Articles Posted in ADR

Supreme Court: Contract Language Must Be Clear for Class Arbitration
Michael J. Betts LLC

Classwide arbitration is fundamentally different from individual arbitration, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled recently in the case of Lamps Plus, Inc., et al, v. Varela. The majority in the 5-4 decision held that classwide arbitration lacks many of the advantages of individual arbitration and undermines the central benefits of the process. Arbitration is a type of…

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Posted in: ADR
Resolving Disputes Through Mediation
Michael J. Betts LLC

Two parties may have a dispute, but that does not mean that they are headed to court. Often used as an alternative to litigation, mediation is one of the most common and efficient forms of alternative dispute resolution. Many like it because it avoids the expense, stress and time involved in going to court. The…

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Posted in: ADR
U.S. District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania Revises ADR Procedures
Michael J. Betts LLC

By Order dated February 16, 2018, supplemented by Order dated March 14, 2018, Chief Judge Joy Flowers Conti of the United States District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania approved revisions to the Court’s ADR Policies and Procedures, effective immediately. The significant substantive changes are: A red-lined version of the revised ADR Policies and Procedures can…

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Posted in: ADR
United States District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania Amends ADR Policies and Procedures to Add Flexibility to the ADR Process
Michael J. Betts LLC

By Order dated February 16, 2018, supplemented by Order dated March 14, 2018, Chief Judge Joy Flowers Conti of the United States District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania approved revisions to the Court’s ADR Policies and Procedures, effective immediately. The significant substantive changes are: A red-lined version of the revised ADR Policies and…

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Posted in: ADR

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